TLC Training & Fitness

A powerful visual identity system for the Maryland personal training and fitness brand. Inspired by holistic daily movement and a positive, life-affirming attitude.

TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Front Cover Mockup

TLC Training & Fitness, LLC is the personal training brand of Tomica L Carter, who brings 35+ years of fitness and training experience to her clients. The brand was in need of a visual system that would represent its values of holistic daily movement, positive attitudes towards fitness, and faith in the process of building strength.

The brand's audience encompasses everyday Americans: people who care about their health, but aren’t typically considered “fitness nuts.” Often, clients are older folks who are seeking better overall mobility and quality of life.

TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Brand Marks MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Color MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Typography MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Icons Mockup
TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Camo and Brand Integrity MockupTLC Training & Fitness Website Splash Page MockupTLC Training & Fitness Business Card Mockup

The Process

Initial visual explorations included three themes, each with their own unique take on the brand's core values.

Theme 1: The Joy of Movement

Theme 1 (The Joy of Movement) focused on the physical act of moving, as well as the positive energy of a growth mindset.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 1

Theme 2: Tender Loving Care

Theme 2 (Tender Loving Care) focused on taking care of yourself, your body, and your family through gentle expressions of self-love.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 2

Theme 3: Resilience

Theme 3 (Resilience) focused on the concept of healthy bodies creating healthy minds, and having faith in the process of building strength.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 3

The Refined Identity

After an initial feedback meeting, the client chose Concept 3 as the best representation of the brand.

We refined the color palette into a strong combination: blue and grey to represent strength and fortitude, and red to represent energy.

I chose Sirenia, a versatile rounded serif typeface, to represent feminine energy that contrasts with/softens the strong color palette.

Additionally, I refined the brand marks and symbols to include direct fitness references. I chose Bebas Neue Rounded for use in the the wordmark as a logical sans-serif partner for Sirenia.

TLC Training & Fitness One Sheet

TLC Training & Fitness

A powerful visual identity system for the Maryland personal training and fitness brand. Inspired by holistic daily movement and a positive, life-affirming attitude.

TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Front Cover Mockup

TLC Training & Fitness, LLC is the personal training brand of Tomica L Carter, who brings 35+ years of fitness and training experience to her clients. The brand was in need of a visual system that would represent its values of holistic daily movement, positive attitudes towards fitness, and faith in the process of building strength.

The brand's audience encompasses everyday Americans: people who care about their health, but aren’t typically considered “fitness nuts.” Often, clients are older folks who are seeking better overall mobility and quality of life.

TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Brand Marks MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Color MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Typography MockupTLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Icons Mockup
TLC Training & Fitness Brand Book Camo and Brand Integrity MockupTLC Training & Fitness Website Splash Page MockupTLC Training & Fitness Business Card Mockup

The Process

Initial visual explorations included three themes, each with their own unique take on the brand's core values.

Theme 1: The Joy of Movement

Theme 1 (The Joy of Movement) focused on the physical act of moving, as well as the positive energy of a growth mindset.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 1

Theme 2: Tender Loving Care

Theme 2 (Tender Loving Care) focused on taking care of yourself, your body, and your family through gentle expressions of self-love.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 2

Theme 3: Resilience

Theme 3 (Resilience) focused on the concept of healthy bodies creating healthy minds, and having faith in the process of building strength.

TLC Training & Fitness Initial Concept 3

The Refined Identity

After an initial feedback meeting, the client chose Concept 3 as the best representation of the brand.

We refined the color palette into a strong combination: blue and grey to represent strength and fortitude, and red to represent energy.

I chose Sirenia, a versatile rounded serif typeface, to represent feminine energy that contrasts with/softens the strong color palette.

Additionally, I refined the brand marks and symbols to include direct fitness references. I chose Bebas Neue Rounded for use in the the wordmark as a logical sans-serif partner for Sirenia.

TLC Training & Fitness One Sheet